Social Studies Standards

The Wyoming Social Studies standards recognize that engaging in social studies and humanities helps young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an independent world.
(Wyoming Department of Education, 2018)

eager child with hand up

Citizenship, Government & Democracy

Understand that there rules to be followed.
Rules in the United States are called laws.
Describe the basic rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

Culture & Cultural Diversity

Identify and describe ways groups, including Indigenous Tribes of Wyoming, meet human needs, concerns, and contribute to identity and daily life.
Describe and compare ways in which unique expressions of culture influence people.
Identify and describe characteristics and contributions of local and state cultural groups, including Indigenous Tribes of Wyoming, in Wyoming and the region.
Identify and describe positive and negative interactions and tensions among cultural groups, social classes, and/or significant individuals in Wyoming and the United States.

People, Places & Environment

Use a map, globe, and mental mapping to identify familiar areas and simple patterns and create maps using various media.
Identify, describe, and use local physical and human characteristics to discuss the similarities and differences between the parts of the community.
Use the human features of a community to describe what makes that community unique and why others move to that community.
Identify how people, including Indigenous Tribes of Wyoming, may adjust to and/or change their environment to survive.
Apply mental mapping skills and use different representations of the Earth to demonstrate understanding of human and physical patterns and how local decisions may create global impacts.
Explain how physical features, patterns, and systems impact different regions and how these features may help us generalize and compare areas within the reservation, state, nation, and world.
Describe the human features of an area, past and present settlement patterns, and how ideas, goods, and/or people move from one area to another.
Describe how the environment influences people in Wyoming and how we adjust to and/or change our environment to survive.

Production, Distribution & Consumption

Identify needs, wants, goods, and services.
Give examples of needs, wants, goods, services, scarcity, and choice.
Identify basic economic concepts.
Identify and describe how science and technology have affected production and distribution locally, nationally, and globally.

Technology, Literacy & Global Connections

Use various media resources in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Use digital tools to research, design, and present social studies concepts.

Time, Continuity & Change

Identify how an event could change the future.
Describe how small changes can lead to big changes.
Describe how tools and technology make life easier, describe how one tool or technology evolves into another, and identify a tool or technology that impacted history.
Select current events for relevance and apply understanding of cause and effect to determine how current events impact people or groups, including Indigenous Tribes of Wyoming.

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